Wednesday 9 February 2011

Day 3: Hello Soho!!

Converse Store.... love it!
Day 3 commenced with us visiting Century that was an experience I wish to forget! Everyone tells you it's a must, THE place you should go to get your bargains "it's TKMaxx on steroids" that it is indeed but seriously? The mess of the store was unbearable, the crowds were unbearable and the queues were out of this world. Call me crazy but if I'm to spend $400 on a handbag then I want it to be represented well, have some form of service and have a nice carrier bag and tissue paper to take it home in. I don't care if it's discounted it's still a lot of money. Will not be returning anytime soon!
Soho on the other hand I loved. It was so sheek and I loved the multi-storey old school buildings. Shops we visited included Converse, where we spent an eternity trying on shoes with one of the nicest sales men I think I have ever met, and he actually understood English banter which I loved! Popped in on Steve Madden and browsed his shoes - new collection was stunning. Zara and H&M a must, and of course Forever 21. TOPSHOP!! the store was buzzing with people and had a great atmosphere, the music was great and loud made us all want to party, but the prices!! Well lets just say none of us brought anything.
Of Course whilst we were in Soho we couldn't not visit the Prada store, it was breath taking. Everything from the visual merchandising, store layout and merchandising was breath taking. It was more than a store it was selling a whole concept and we looked on in awe as the New Yorkers purchased some truly gorgeous Prada product. One day, one day.
For our evening entertainment we visited the famous "Comic Strip" where we took central seats to sit back and enjoy some comedy. Little did we know a group of English girls would stand out like a sore thumb so much and we took out fair share of English jokes and embarrassing questions. In the end though it was a fun night out and I'm glad we did it.

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